Operation Honey-Wagon
(too old to reply)
18 years ago
As you all should know the term "Honeywagon" was the cute nickname that the
old time farmers and ranchers gave to their muck-spreader, aka mobile
fertilizer or mobile compost machine.
Now our question to you is do you really want to know just what *Operation
Honey-Wagon* is really all about ?
18 years ago
Coming soon to a newsgroup near you.
Now CUR was never really into conspiracy theories,
but he could and did tell family members all about Air America.
He was telling stories about this organization long before the Mel Gibson
movie about it came out.
CUR perhaps knows more than he needs to or should about so called secret
government dark operations.
He claims it is nothing more than "The folly of a misspent youth"
What ever that is supposed to mean.
